Cyber Security

Everything you need to know about outsourced cyber security services

In this comprehensive guide, we explore outsourced cyber security services, detailing the challenges businesses face, the advantages of engaging with professional services and choosing the ideal cyber security partner. We provide expert insights into enhancing your company's cyber resilience and streamlining security operations for better protection.
A photo of Ian Welch, who is a partner & technical director for Network

Written by

Ian Welch

Ian is the Technical Director @ Network and a certified ethical hacker (CEH), security professional (CISSP) and ISO27001 lead implementer with over 25 years experience.

Updated on

May 3, 2024

A team of cyber security analysts in a meeting

Before we dive in

Are you looking for cyber security for your business today? If so, check out our cyber security services to see if we're a good fit for your requirements. Otherwise, we hope you enjoy our guide below!

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Key Takeaways

  1. Outsourcing cyber security offers not only cost savings but also access to specialised expertise and advanced technology, crucial for defending against evolving cyber threats.
  2. Hybrid and remote working models increase security complexities, highlighting the need for cyber security strategies and continuous monitoring specific to your exact business requirements.
  3. Selecting the right cyber security partner is key; consider their industry experience, scalability, and compliance prowess to ensure they align with your business's specific needs.

What is cyber security outsourcing?

Cyber security outsourcing involves hiring external specialists to manage your business's cyber defences, rather than relying on in-house resources.

This approach is often more cost-effective, allowing you to access high-level expertise without the overheads associated with maintaining a full-time team.

Outsourced cyber security services leverage a range of frameworks to ensure comprehensive protection, including:

  • NCSC Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF): Guides businesses in implementing practices critical to protecting against cyber threats.
  • Cyber Essentials: A government-backed scheme focusing on fundamental protections against common online threats.
  • The IASME Governance Standard: Offers a benchmark of best practices for information security tailored to small and medium enterprises.
  • SOC2: Ensures service providers securely manage data to protect the interests and privacy of their clients.
  • ISO Standards (e.g., ISO 27001, ISO 22301): Provide specifications for information security management systems and business continuity.
  • PCI-DSS: Essential for businesses that handle credit card information, ensuring secure transactions and data protection.

These frameworks form the backbone of a solid cyber security strategy, helping to standardise and enhance the security measures of your business.

A business owner looking overwhelmed as he realises he's had a cyber security breach

Do these cyber security challenges sound familiar to your business?

Your staff are anxious about phishing and malware, unsure how to identify the threats.

You’re concerned that your current cyber security measures might not be strong enough.

There’s increasing pressure to ensure customer data is more securely protected.

What solutions do outsourced cyber security services provide?

Outsourcing your cyber security offers an array of solutions tailored to safeguard your business. These services not only respond to incidents but also anticipate potential threats:

  • Security Operations Centre (SOC): Provides real-time monitoring and analysis to detect and respond to security incidents.
  • Network Auditing: Identifies vulnerabilities and performance issues within your network to enhance operational resilience.
  • Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR): Monitors endpoint and network events, responding automatically to contain and investigate suspicious activities.
  • Phishing Simulations: Trains employees to recognise and react to simulated phishing attacks, improving organisational vigilance.
  • Vulnerability Scanning: Proactively scans systems for vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit, allowing for preventive measures.
  • Dark Web Monitoring: Monitors dark web channels for potential leaks or misuse of your company’s sensitive data.
  • Security Awareness Training: Equips your team with the knowledge to identify and mitigate potential security risks.
  • Penetration Testing: Simulates cyber-attacks to test the effectiveness of security protocols and systems.
  • Managed Compliance: Ensures that your cyber security practices comply with legal and regulatory standards.
  • Ongoing Support: Provides continual assistance and updates to keep your security systems robust against evolving threats.

Why outsourcing cyber security services is important for businesses

Cyber security is a complex arena, with threats that evolve faster than most businesses can keep up with on their own.

Outsourcing your cyber security management can significantly reduce the potential costs associated with a security breach, which can be devastating. With experts in your corner, your business gains access to specialised knowledge and cutting-edge technology to defend against, and respond to, cyber incidents.

Outsourcing also ensures that you have continuous support and a strategic approach to managing cyber risks, tailored to the specific threats your business faces. This strategic focus is vital, as there will always be new security challenges that demand expert attention and immediate action.

What challenges do businesses face when it comes to cyber threats?

UK businesses face several challenges in managing cyber security, especially in the context of remote and hybrid work environments. These challenges can significantly impact the security posture of businesses as they adapt to new working conditions.

Remote and hybrid working complexities

The shift to remote and hybrid working models has introduced complexities in securing IT environments. Organisations find themselves needing to support a dispersed workforce, which complicates the traditional security models that are designed for on-premises IT management. The lack of physical oversight increases the risk of cyber attacks, as employees connect from various, often less secure, networks.

Managing company and personal devices

With the adoption of remote and hybrid work setups, employees often use a mix of company-issued and personal devices to perform their work tasks. This brings significant challenges, as securing a variety of devices and ensuring they all meet the company's security standards is complex. Personal devices, in particular, may not have the same level of security as company-issued hardware, increasing the vulnerability to cyber security threats.

Compliance and endpoint security

Ensuring compliance with cyber security standards has become more challenging with remote and hybrid working. Many organisations report a lack of confidence in their IT estate’s ability to meet compliance requirements, which is aggravated by the scattered nature of remote working setups. This situation is further compounded by inadequate endpoint security measures, such as a lack of device encryption and endpoint security solutions, across both public and private sectors.

Cyber security frameworks and incident response

The need for resilient cyber security frameworks and effective incident response plans is more critical than ever. However, surveys indicate that a significant number of UK businesses lack formal cyber security policies that adequately address the modern threats associated with remote working environments. Also, the readiness to respond to cyber incidents remains low, with many organisations lacking a formal incident response plan, which is essential for minimising damage during and after a cyber attack.

In response to these challenges, businesses are increasingly turning to outsourced managed cyber security services to bolster their defences and manage the complexities introduced by the new working paradigms.

Outsourcing cybersecurity services allows businesses to benefit from specialised expertise and advanced technologies to protect against constantly evolving cyber threats, ensuring both compliance and resilience in a cost-effective manner.

A cyber security expert looking towards the camera, smiling with crossed arms

Looking for a major upgrade to your cyber security?

Get peace of mind with 24/7 cyber security monitoring and threat resolution.

Empower your team with vital skills and tools to protect themselves and your business.

Simplify compliance with cyber security policies tailored to your business.

The top 6 benefits of working with outsourced cyber security consulting services

Outsourcing cyber security consulting offers unique advantages that can significantly enhance the security posture of your business. Here are six benefits:

Access to specialised expertise

Outsourcing provides access to specialists whose sole focus is cyber security. This expertise often includes deep knowledge of the latest cyber security threats, advanced attack methodologies, and emerging trends, ensuring that your business benefits from the most current security strategies.

Scalability and flexibility

Cyber security needs can vary significantly depending on new projects, company growth, or evolving threats. Outsourced cyber security services can easily scale up or down based on your business’s current needs without the necessity for you to invest in new hardware or software, which can be cost-prohibitive.

Enhanced cyber security monitoring

Outsourced providers use sophisticated tools and technologies to monitor your networks and systems continuously. This constant vigilance helps in the early detection of potential security incidents, significantly reducing the impact of breaches by addressing threats before they escalate.

Cost efficiency

Hiring and training a full-time cyber security team can be expensive. Outsourcing allows you to convert fixed IT costs into variable costs and only pay for what you use. This cost structure can result in significant savings, freeing up capital for other areas of your business.

Regulatory compliance management

With the complexities of compliance standards, such as GDPR, PCI-DSS, and ISO, managing IT compliance in-house can be overwhelming. Outsourced cyber security providers are well-versed in these regulations and can ensure that your business meets the necessary legal and industry standards, reducing the risk of costly fines and penalties.

Strategic security insights

Beyond day-to-day security management, outsourced cyber security firms often provide strategic insights into your security stance. They can offer recommendations for improving policies, conduct security audits, and help you develop a robust cyber security framework that aligns with your business objectives.

By leveraging outsourced cyber security consulting services, your business can not only enhance its defensive capabilities against cyber threats but also gain a strategic partner that contributes to its overall resilience and compliance posture.

How to choose the perfect cyber security partner for your business

Choosing the right cyber security partner is crucial for your business's protection and compliance. According to feedback from our clients, a primary reason for switching cyber security services often comes down to poor communication.

Finding a new cyber security consultancy partner can be a challenge, especially if past experiences have been less than ideal.

Here's a checklist to help you evaluate potential cyber security partners effectively:

  • Assess Their Expertise in Your Industry: Different industries face unique cyber threats. Does the provider have experience and a proven track record in your specific sector? Industry-specific knowledge can significantly enhance the relevance and effectiveness of the security measures implemented.
  • Evaluate Their Solution Flexibility: Can they tailor their services to your specific needs? A one-size-fits-all approach rarely covers all bases in cyber security. Ask potential partners how they would address your unique challenges.
  • Check for Comprehensive Threat Detection and Response: How comprehensive are their threat detection and response capabilities? Ensure they not only monitor and alert but also provide proactive threat hunting and incident response.
  • Consider the Scalability of Services: As your business grows, your cyber security needs will evolve. Can the provider scale their services to accommodate your future growth without compromising on quality or responsiveness?
  • Verify Compliance and Certifications: Does the provider stay current with compliance standards relevant to your industry, such as GDPR, PCI-DSS, or ISO? Check their certifications to ensure they meet international and local compliance standards.
  • Assess Communication and Reporting Protocols: Since poor communication can be a deal-breaker, ask about their reporting and communication processes. How often will they report on your security status? What is their protocol for communicating in the event of a security incident?
  • Ask About Their Technology and Tools: What technologies and tools do they use? Are these tools state-of-the-art, ensuring resilient cyber security management and protection?
  • Inquire About Training and Support: Do they provide training for your staff? Continuous education is crucial in maintaining a strong security posture. Check if they offer regular updates and training as part of their service.
  • Understand Their Pricing Structure: Is their pricing model transparent and predictable? Understand all costs involved, including any potential costs for additional services or incident responses.
  • Check References and Reviews: What do other clients say about their service? Positive reviews and testimonials from businesses similar to yours can provide insights into their reliability and performance.

By carefully considering these points, you can choose a reputable cyber security provider that not only meets your current needs but also supports your business as it grows and evolves.

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We hope this guide has provided you with a clear understanding of the benefits and challenges of outsourced cyber security services, as well as practical advice on selecting the right cyber security partner for your business.

Does your business face similar cyber security challenges? How do these challenges impact your team and operations?

We'd love to hear from you and discuss how we can assist. If you're considering enhancing your cyber security measures, don't hesitate to contact us.