Cyber Security

The importance of getting a cyber security health check for your business

In this comprehensive guide, we explore the critical aspects of cyber security health checks, uncovering their benefits and outlining how to choose the ideal consultants for your business. We delve into various services that enhance your security posture, leveraging our extensive expertise to offer insights on fortifying your digital defences and ensuring comprehensive protection.
A photo of Ian Welch, who is a partner & technical director for Network

Written by

Ian Welch

Ian is the Technical Director @ Network and a certified ethical hacker (CEH), security professional (CISSP) and ISO27001 lead implementer with over 25 years experience.

Updated on

April 5, 2024

Two cyber security analysts performing a cyber security health check for a client IT network on their laptops

Before we dive in

Are you looking for cyber security for your business today? If so, check out our cyber security services to see if we're a good fit for your requirements. Otherwise, we hope you enjoy our guide below!

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Key Takeaways

  1. Cyber security health checks are vital for identifying vulnerabilities and enhancing your business's resilience against digital threats.
  2. Choosing the right cyber security consultants requires careful consideration of their expertise, communication skills, and the customisability of their services.
  3. Implementing recommendations from a thorough cyber health check can significantly improve your security posture and protect your business from potential cyber attacks.

What is a cyber security health check?

A cyber security health check acts as a comprehensive assessment, aimed at ensuring your business's digital defences are up to the task of protecting against cyber threats.

In essence, it's a routine check-up for your company's online security, examining everything from your systems to your processes, to identify any vulnerabilities or areas for improvement.

Here's what typically falls under the microscope:

  • Current cyber risk status: Establishes your business's current standing against potential cyber threats.
  • Technical cyber security controls: Evaluates the effectiveness of technical measures in place to deter cyber attacks.
  • Security infrastructure: Scrutinises the robustness of your network and information systems.
  • Vulnerability management: Identifies and analyses vulnerabilities within your systems.
  • Incident management and response: Assesses the readiness of your business to respond to and recover from cyber incidents.
  • Compliance standards: Checks alignment with regulatory initiatives and compliance standards relevant to your industry.

Overall, a cyber security health check provides a detailed report, highlighting the weakest security areas and offering practical recommendations for improvement, ensuring your business's security posture is as strong as possible.

A business owner looking overwhelmed as he realises he's had a cyber security breach

Do these cyber security challenges sound familiar to your business?

Your staff are anxious about phishing and malware, unsure how to identify the threats.

You’re concerned that your current cyber security measures might not be strong enough.

There’s increasing pressure to ensure customer data is more securely protected.

What additional services go hand in hand with cyber security?

As an IT provider ourselves, we've seen firsthand the vast spectrum of needs businesses have when it comes to IT support.

While the essentials of what IT companies should offer can vary, at our core, we believe professional IT companies must deliver comprehensive support that mirrors the advantages of an in-house IT department.

These services typically include:

  • Expert IT support: Not just fixing issues as they arise, but actively seeking out potential problems before they impact your business.
  • Advanced cyber security: This encompasses vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, Security Operations Centres (SOC), and more, to protect against sophisticated cyber threats.
  • Managed IT infrastructure: Ensuring your IT infrastructure is not only up-to-date but optimised for your specific business needs.
  • IT project management: From upgrades to new system implementations, project management is key to ensuring IT projects are completed on time and within budget.
  • Managed IT compliance: Aligning your IT operations with necessary compliance standards, including GDPR, to protect your business and your clients.
  • VoIP and communications: Providing reliable and secure communication tools essential for modern business operations.

Incorporating cyber security and GDPR compliance across these services is critical, as it ensures the protection of personal data and adherence to privacy regulations, an increasingly important aspect of business operations.

The importance of working with professional cyber security health check services

Engaging with professional cyber security health check services offers a distinct advantage over internal audits. External consultants bring a fresh perspective, extensive experience, and specialised tools to the table, helping to uncover hidden vulnerabilities and offering unbiased recommendations.

Before, during, and after the audit, businesses benefit from in-depth analysis and expert guidance on mitigating risks and strengthening their security posture.

The difference this can make is not trivial. Considering that the global average cost of a data breach stands at a staggering £3.46 million, and cybercrime's global impact is expected to reach £6.36 trillion, the stakes couldn't be higher.

Expert cyber security consultants not only identify your current cyber risk status and technical vulnerabilities but also provide a clear, actionable plan to improve your security health.

For UK businesses, small or large, this is not just about avoiding financial loss but also about protecting reputation, ensuring business continuity, and maintaining trust with clients.

Working with a professional team for your cyber security health check translates into a stronger defence against cyber criminals, a more secure future for your business, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing your organisation is prepared to face cyber threats and challenges.

The top 5 benefits of getting a cyber health check for your business

With the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) reporting a significant 23.5% increase in social media hacking incidents, the digital threat landscape is evolving.

This uptick underscores the critical need for businesses to stay a step ahead of cyber criminals. A cyber security health check offers not just a defence mechanism but a strategic advantage.

Here are five unique benefits that underscore its importance:

  1. Enhanced understanding of current cyber risk status: A cyber health check provides a clear picture of where your business stands against the spectrum of cyber threats. This detailed report describing your security posture allows for targeted improvements, making it easier to prioritise and address the most pressing vulnerabilities.
  2. Boosted confidence among clients and partners: Demonstrating that you've undergone a comprehensive cyber security health check and are actively managing your cyber risks can significantly boost trust. Clients and partners are more likely to do business with organisations that take security seriously, knowing their data is in safe hands.
  3. Improved compliance with regulatory initiatives: Many businesses are subject to stringent regulatory requirements regarding data protection and privacy. A cyber health check ensures that your practices align with these regulations, such as GDPR, by identifying gaps and providing recommendations to mitigate compliance risks.
  4. Strategic insight into security investment: The detailed analysis offered by a cyber health check helps businesses make informed decisions about where to allocate resources for the best security outcomes. It identifies the weakest security areas, allowing for strategic investment in technology or training that yields the highest return on security.
  5. Proactive preparation for incident management: One of the key components of a cyber health check is assessing your business's incident response capability. By understanding your readiness to manage and recover from cyber incidents, you can ensure business continuity and minimise potential downtime and data loss.

By engaging in a cyber security health check, you're not just ticking a box for compliance; you're taking a proactive stance against the myriad of cyber threats in today's digital world. It's an investment in your business's future, safeguarding not only your data but also your reputation, client trust, and overall business viability.

A cyber security expert looking towards the camera, smiling with crossed arms

Looking for a major upgrade to your cyber security?

Get peace of mind with 24/7 cyber security monitoring and threat resolution.

Empower your team with vital skills and tools to protect themselves and your business.

Simplify compliance with cyber security policies tailored to your business.

How to choose the perfect cyber security consultants for your business

Selecting the right cyber security consultants can be challenging. Many of our clients share that their decision to switch cyber security services stemmed from issues like poor communication and slow delivery.

Finding a new IT partner after having a negative experience highlights the importance of making an informed choice.

Here's a checklist to guide you in selecting a cyber security consultancy service that aligns with your business needs:

  1. Communication and responsiveness: Begin by evaluating how quickly and effectively potential consultants respond to your inquiries. Efficient communication is key to a successful partnership, especially during a cyber crisis.
  2. Certifications and experience: Do the consultants hold up-to-date certifications from recognised bodies in the cyber security field? Look for qualifications like CISSP, CISM, or specific tools and technologies your business uses.
  3. Approach to cyber security health checks: What does their health check process involve? Ensure they offer a comprehensive service that aligns with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) guidelines and covers areas critical to your business.
  4. Customisation and scalability: Can they tailor their health check and subsequent security measures to fit the unique needs and size of your business? Your cyber security strategy should be as adaptable as your business.
  5. Incident response plan: How do they plan to support you in the event of a security breach? A reliable consultant should offer clear strategies for incident response and recovery.
  6. Track record and references: What do their current and former clients have to say about their services? Positive feedback from businesses similar to yours can be a strong indicator of reliability and effectiveness.
  7. Understanding of your industry’s compliance requirements: Are they familiar with the regulatory initiatives and compliance standards specific to your industry? This knowledge is crucial for ensuring your business meets all legal and contractual obligations.
  8. Tools and technologies: What tools do they use for cybersecurity health checks, vulnerability management, and ongoing monitoring? Ensure their technology stack is robust and capable of protecting your business against current and emerging cyber threats.
  9. Approach to ongoing education and support: Do they provide training for your team on recognising and avoiding potential cyber threats? Continuous education is vital for maintaining a secure business environment.
  10. Cost vs value: While cost is an important factor, consider the value they bring to your business. The cheapest option may not always be the best, especially when it comes to protecting your business from cyber risks.
  11. Security posture improvement plan: After the initial health check, how do they propose to improve your security posture? Look for consultants who offer a detailed report with practical recommendations and a clear path to implement those suggestions.

By carefully considering each of these points, you'll be better equipped to choose a cyber security consultant that not only meets your immediate needs but also supports your long-term security strategy, ensuring your business remains protected against evolving cyber threats.

Related guides

  • Discover how GDPR consultancy services can simplify compliance, making data protection a straightforward part of your business operations.
  • Considering an upgrade or need expert guidance? Dive into our article on IT consultancy in London for insights on leveraging technology to drive your business forward.
  • Learn why robust server support services are the backbone of a seamless IT infrastructure, ensuring your business runs smoothly around the clock.
  • Uncover the traits that set top cyber security companies apart, and how choosing the right one can safeguard your business from evolving digital threats.


We hope this guide has equipped you with the knowledge to understand the importance of cyber security health checks and how to select the right consultancy for your needs, ensuring your business's digital environment is secure and resilient.

Do you recognise these cyber security concerns within your own business? How do cyber risks impact your operations and team?

We're keen to hear your experiences and discuss how we can support your security efforts. If you're looking for expert cyber security consultation, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.